Welcome to Rhode Island Energy’s Tips of the trade. We are committed to your safety, and these tips are intended to help you work safely near our natural gas pipelines. Please review these tips with your coworkers at your tailgate or toolbox meetings before work begins. |
Cast iron pipes need special protection |
Cast iron natural gas pipelines are the grandfathers of the natural gas distribution system. They've worked hard and done their job well for generations, but now cast iron natural gas pipelines are being replaced by steel and plastic across the country. At Rhode Island Energy, we are replacing miles of cast iron natural gas mains every year, but there are still many miles left in the system. We need your help protecting these old work horses until they can be retired. |
Cast iron gas mains are brittle and vulnerable to damage when the earth around or near them is moved in any way. When your excavation encroaches on a cast iron natural gas main by crossing beneath its path or running parallel nearby, special circumstances apply. |
Notify Rhode Island Energy via the 811 ticket immediately when you determine that your excavation might encroach on a cast iron gas main. We give top priority to cast iron gas mains that are affected by construction activities and provide the following services AT NO COST TO YOU: |
1. |
A Rhode Island Energy representative may be present during the excavation and will monitor the affected gas main for leaks. |
2. |
During your excavation, our representative will suggest and approve measures to protect the cast iron gas main from potential damage from: |
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 | Vibrations from heavy equipment, trains, trucks, buses or blasting |
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Impact forces by vehicles |
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Earth movement |
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Future excavations nearby |
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Other forces that might cause that segment of the pipeline to bend |
3. |
If Rhode Island Energy determines that the cast iron main should be replaced, we will design and install a new plastic main as soon as possible after the necessary permits have been obtained and 811 notification requirements have been met. If the situation is an emergency, the cast iron main will be replaced immediately. |
If you suspect a natural gas leak |
Remember the three Rs of natural gas safety: Recognize, React and Report. If you RECOGNIZE any signs of a gas leak, REACT by warning others and immediately leaving the area. When you are in a safe place, REPORT the leak by calling 911 and Rhode Island Energy any time, day or night, at 1-800-640-1595. |